الاثنين، 28 فبراير 2011

Phase 0

_ Getting Started _


Team objectives *
Creating a shared vision and purpose , help one another to keep focused and motivated.a-
Ensure effective meetings : e-
proceeding from the idea that says two heads are better than one ;The team should produce more together and at a higher quality than they could ever do separately ,this is possible only if the team manage to have effective meetings.a
provide equal opportunities and roles for all the team members:d -
Ensure equity in education by dividing the tasks between the team members.a
Develop a better understanding to the subjects contained in this course.s-
Achieve the maximum benefit from the talents , capabilities and skills of each individual.z-
d-Support,Complete one another and use the concept of Good Peer-pressure to enhace the performance of each individual and push her to the max !s
improve our communication skills , time and business management skills-
And of course to complete the project in a satisfying quality within the time line and have some fun doing it ;D


Electing a leader *
All the team members agreed to have Sulaf as a leader since she has leadership skills and she's a well Organized person


In order for a group to work in harmony and to Achieve their goals and improve themselves they need to Consider the strengths and the weaknesses of all the team members , below a table that provides a brief overview for the members' strength and weakneeses

A table that shows the strength and weakness of all the team members *

- click on the pic to get a better view -


Tables Of The Members' Schedules *

and in the link below you can find a Calendar for all the members exam dates



A Table Of The Members' Contact Info *


The Meetings Table *

- click on the pic to get a better view -


First meeting Data*


The Team Guidelines and Policies *

if a member didnt submit her work on time the team's reaction will depend on her excuse , if it was Approved by the rest of the team then her work will be divided between them , if it wasn't convincing enough , this member will do her work supervised by another member and she will get extra work in the next phase as a punishment

if a member did submit her work and it was below expectations the team will arrange a meeting and they will see wether this is a result of misunderstanding or Irresponsiblity , in case of misunderstanding her task will explained to her in more details , otherwise the leader will use her leadership skills to push her to redo the job and she will convince her to do her best always

if a member didnt show up in a meeting and she's not answering her cell, the meeting will start as scheduled , as for the messing member , a clear summary of the meeting will be sent to her with her tasks specified, also she will be asked about her excuse and if it was critical , the team will excuse her,, However if not, the leader will have a talk with her , tell her how
important these meetings are , and that her Absence is effecting the whole team

if a member is depending on others to solve or complete her tasks she will be asked about the reasons that made her depending on others , if it was caused by low selfsteam or misunderstanding the rest of the team will encourage her and try to re-explain her tasks , else if the case is we're facing an Irresponsible member , she will pushed to do the job by herself and she'll be given extra tasks in the coming phases

if a member is facing a critical condition the team will Cooperate and her tasks will be distributed between them

Reviewing Guidelines*

Reviwing is a very important stage since it's the only way to make sure that the team has accomplished the objectives and mission ,, All the team members have agreed on the Importance of having a second meeting at least 2 days before the deadline -In an ideal situation- where they gather and discuss the pre-final version ,, at that meeting .. Each member can express her opinion on the work done by others and her suggestion to enhance the final product

The Review mechanism will be as follows

before submiting every phase the team will be Divided into two sub-teams

each sub-team will review the work done by the other and will submit a proposal explainning the Corrections that they think it will imrove the final product

the team will discuss those Proposals and Decides whether to Adapt to the changes Mentioned or not

the leader will submitt the final product


The Tasks Table *

- click on the pic to get a better view -